Tuesday, November 04, 2008

quick update

Another long day... and it's only 8:25. Here's a pic (not too flattering of Aubrey) of Aubrey with Grandma at Grandpa's hospital bedside. We went over there after the bus-run today, then left for Val's checkup, then went back afterwards. Val still has some infection, and was put on another antibiotic tonight. I guess this one is stronger than the last one. No breast-feeding now until she is off the antibiotic, so that's a bit frustrating, but hopefully this will knock the infection.
Aubrey (her appointment was yesterday) is growing like a scarecrow on a hefty diet of straw. She'll be six weeks old tomorrow, and weighed in yesterday at 12 pounds, 14.5 ounces. She is also 23.25 inches long. Both are in the 97th percentile. So she's kinda big. A nurse at the hospital tonight said she looked like she was a couple months old. So yeah. She's smiling quite a bit now and has even giggled a few times. Definitely the joy and main attraction of our household.
Dad is recovering well. The doctor came by tonight and mentioned that they will get Dad up and walking some tomorrow. Dad liked this idea... I think he's getting tired of laying in bed. It's been since 11:30 yesterday morning... besides when he had his feet operated on more than a decade ago, I don't think he's ever been still for this long. He was coherent today, and remembered nothing from last night. He responded and all last night, but we figured he wouldn't remember a thing. Today he could talk to us and was feeling better. On the long road to recovery.
We're looking at some stressful days ahead, but what's stress other than proof that you're alive?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! And we love any pictures of Aubrey:) I am disappointed for you Valerie. Everything was going so well. I will especially pray that the treatment will be successful and that things will be back to normal after this round of antibiotics.