Monday, March 03, 2008

thanks so much

Thank you all for your comments and congratulatory remarks concerning little p.
Upon the barrage of dirty diapers, I will be calling each of you to come change an amount of diapers directly proportional to the kindness of your comment.


Janet said...

If you would pay my way, I'd be ever so happy to come and change a week's worth of diapers! I miss having babies!
Aunt Janet

Greg & Stephanie said...

You may bring the baby to my house for any extended period of time. I will be glad to change any diaper at any time! By the way, can you stop calling it "Little P"? Sounds like some sort of "waste" to me! :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck!
Lisa P.

Luanna Joy Wright said...

Luanna Wright here! Michael Wright's daughter! =) If news has not gottan to you yet, it looks like in July I am going to be getting a brother!

If you check out my blog there is a picture from the Son-o-gram!!! Do you get it? SON-o-gram..=)

Congrats! I hope you all enjoy, your first one? Do you all know what it is yet? How far along are you? Mom is, well I am not sure how far she is along...=) I will have to ask her. Far along enough for us to say it is a boy, at least according to the sonogram! :) You never know. Although they said my youngest sister Julianna was a girl I pretty sure. SO I am sure it is a boy! We just have a lot of shopping to do. But, mom can not say she does not have anything because a friend of hers has 3 boys so she loned a few clothing items!

We have three girls (including me) and this boy we will have to get adjusted to. Now the lady that gave us some clothes, has it all the way around. 3 boys and one girl! =)

do you think this has been long enough?

Talk to you later.
Check out my blog sometime.

Luanna Wright

Luanna Joy Wright said...

and by the way. Do you know Jennifer Glick's blog address by any chance, or a place I can find it?


Nichole said...

Congrats! I came across your blog and enjoyed your pics. There's nothing like having a little person around!You'll love it.

Regi said...

Hmm....Father Adam?? Pappa Adam? Weird! Just kidding. Congrats you two!

Anonymous said...

Is that a goatee on the baby already?!!! Way to go Adam and Val!