Sunday, May 10, 2009

from a province of the Queen to her city...

From this...

to this...
About the same, don't ya think?

We are moving next month to the mighty metropolis of Cincinnati, Ohio. Farewell to the reggae, hello to hiphop on the hilltop. I'll be working in Student Recruitment at GBS with my good friend and former roommate, Timmy Makcen. So, if you have been procrastinating with that trip to the Caribbean, you might want to hurry it up. We leave June 15.


Tamra said...

Hey, you guys will be just "down the road" from us! We'll be glad to have you join us Buckeyes! :) Oh, and I know of an awesome church if you're interested! :) Good luck with the move.

Tim&Ette said...

So glad to hear Adam is going to be helping Tim...!! I hope they actually get some work done and not get in some trouble..!! Just joking..!!!