Saturday, September 27, 2008

up close and personal...


Constance said...

I love the video and all of the pictures. She looks so adorable.

Blair Bunch said...

Cute! What did we ever do before the internet!!

Anonymous said...

good question. i think we made photo albums for the firstborn and then ignored the other kids. but it certainly wasn't this easy.

Anonymous said...

I love your little baby! She is a cutie!


Johnstown Albertsons said...

That was precious! We can't help but love her too! What a great sneezer!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, for making a video of her. I can make one of me, but I wouldn't look soooooo cute. She does both cute and adorable. I love you Aubery! I love you both to. Sherry Mims

Greg & Stephanie said...

Very, very, very sweet! She looks a little more like her mama in this one.

Anonymous said...

She is so precious!

Andrea said...

What a doll! I just love this video! I can't wait to meet her and hold her. Her sneezes were so cute!

Matt Deuel said...

She is adorable!

Lynette said...

A very sweet baby!! Valarie, I remember you when you were that size and I must agree with others that she looks more like her dad. Anxious to see more pictures. Keep them coming:) Love ya all.