Friday, April 25, 2008

New Youth Building

We've been in our new youth building for a couple weeks now, but just this week have gotten new lighting and the projection system installed. The extension cord you see dangling will be removed Saturday, at which time we'll run a conduit to place an outlet close to the projector. On the left-hand side of the picture you can see the split-unit air-conditioner. It's a pretty cool little fella, and it does a great job of cooling down the room.

Here is a shot of the back of the room. You can kinda see the three new sets of lights we put in this week. I am now a certified electrician. Not really, but I did complete just about all the wiring for these lights. Fire insurance, you ask? Whatever for?

Youth starts at 7:30. You might be able to notice that it's around 7:15 when this picture was taken. And the chairs are empty. Funny enough, they were just about completely full by 7:30.


Andrea said...

I'm sure everyone will enohoy the new youth building!! It looks great!! :) Miss you!! Looking forward to the new baby!

Andrea said...

Type-O..enjoy...I guess I should check over my typing before sending!! HA!!