Making a craft with Daddy (one of her favorite things to do!)
Neither of us knew that Aubrey could draw a smiley face until the other day when she did it. She and Adam were "making crafts" (which means get the art box out and draw with markers, crayons, etc., and maybe get to use glue and scissors.) and on either side of Adam's parrot she had drawn a smiley face! (You have to look sideways...)
Me and my big girl!Makin silly faces with Daddy
At the Cleveland Zoo. My camera batteries were dead, so we only got a couple of pictures.
The significance of the blanket used in some of the photos is this: it was my mother-in-law's blanket when she was a child and she used it to wrap her dolls when she was playing. She wanted to pass it down to her daughter some day, but when she didn't have one herself, decided it would go to her first granddaughter. That just happened to be our Aubrey. I was so very happy that Aubrey was blessed with this awesome gift from her Grandma.
We had so much fun with Holly B...check her out on Facebook!