Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Suzanna Kate!

Happy 4th!! (yes, I'm still getting caught up!)

Summer fun

Kaitlynn warming up for a bit beside her momma, my beautiful sister!
Enjoyin the pool...thanks Kaitlynn for the use of your bathing suit! haha

Fun in the grass. At first she was unsure about the stuff. She liked it enough, but would just sit and watch everything...she wouldn't move! It was kinda nice for a few minutes because I needed to unload the car and she was as happy as a lark just watching me! She warmed up to it after a bit and was crawling all over in it and even tried to eat one of those white wild flowers. Yum!

Sittin on Aunt Stephanie's porch. Let me tell you, it's a beautiful place to relax!
Sweet cousins!
Happy Allison!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Elliott & Aubrey and Aubrey's 10 month pics

This year for Mom Profitt's birthday, Lisa thought it would be nice for us to get the grandkids pictures taken together. We ended up getting enough pics that they gave us the CD for free with the package we bought. These are just some of my favorites from the CD. Aubrey hasn't been feeling the greatest because she's cut her top 2 molars (almost all the way through on one side and half way on the other) in the last week and is working on an eye tooth. Poor baby... Then, yesterday we noticed her eye was getting all nasty as was her nose. I think it must be allergies or something because several of us are fussing with itchy eyes, etc. So, I think she did pretty well considering all that she's going through right now! She hammed it up!
This picture is so funny! I love how Aubrey is just cracking up at the photographer.
Kissing cousins?
Givin' Aubs a kiss! Doesn't she look thrilled? Great picture of Elliott though...
Just a fun shot!
Two little angels!
Aubrey's 10 month pictures. I can't believe it...already!
Here she was doing her "so big" thing...
I love her hands in this pic!
So Big!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We are alive and well and are now living in Cincinnati. As soon as I get the pictures from my camera to the computer and have a few extra minutes to spare, I will post. I promise!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I'm Still Alive!

Benny and Aubrey. Aubrey really did like Benny, but here she was exhausted after a very long day!
here's a shot of the whole group that was there.
the spread of food was amazing.
the cake was sooooo good!
opening one of the gifts that were given to us that night

I know it's been a while since I have posted anything, but there is good reason. I don't have internet access at home and am currently without my computer, so it's a bit more complicated trying to update.
Here are some pictures from the surprise going away party that our young people in Cayman planned for us. It was such an awesome time and we were so honored that they did this all on their own.

Sorry that everything is backwards. If it bothered you that much then read up again. =)